SHADOWGRAPHS — Tour dates update & latest news

"We got to touch every frequency..." says Wils Glade


The story begins not long after the world shut down for the first time. Shadowgraphs headed to Bay City, Oregon and began tracking in an old beach house on the windswept coast. The isolation worked to the band’s advantage, and they were able to tap into a sound that stands on its own compared to their past records and amongst their peers in the modern music scene. Two tunes were conceptualized during a 3am writing session, recorded and arranged within 24 hours. And three more were also recorded at the old beach house.

Returning to Portland with the first five basic tracks, the band headed to their studio to record more tracks, finish overdubs and begin the mixing process. It was during this part of the journey that guitarists Wils Glade and Bryan Olson (pictured below) started getting deep into audio electronics and decided to build a 1960s Opamp Labs console from scratch.

The band mixed the record through their console live, which lends a unique vibe to the project. The album quite literally bears their fingerprints. “We ended up mixing the whole record through the console live, so not only did it feel rewarding mixing our own stuff for the first time, but we felt like we really got to touch every frequency on the record,” says Glade.

“Jonathan Rado of Foxygen has an Opamp Labs console that is not custom modded like ours, and it was from Jonathan we first learned of Opamp Labs. The company is based out of LA and sonically is in line with Electrodyne / Quad Eight and falls somewhere in between API and Neve. We could only get 8 out of the 12 channels finished before mixing the record so we were doing a lot of mix summing from the computer with other gear to tape. But every mix was done live in the moment.”

Shadowgraphs - Updated Tour Dates...

Shadowgraphs - North American Tour (updated) 2022
Shadowgraphs - North American Tour (updated) 2022


Here's a preview of the single "Stills" due out September 2nd 2022 on Royal Oakie Records as part of their !0th Anniversary Singles Series...

Shadowgraphs - Stills by Royal Oakie Records LLC

To hear the album and for more info...

For further info please contact...

Mal Smith & Chris Carr

Mal Smith & Chris Carr

Delta PR


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