Introducing the adventurous & the sublime ROYAL OAKIE RECORDS

Music label to celebrate its 10th anniversary...

Oakland, California is the home of the sublime, essential Royal Oakie Records. We'd like to introduce you to this very exciting label.

Founded in 2012 by producer David Glasebrook, Royal Oakie Records is renowned for its soulful California spirit, its adventurousness and its artistic integrity. Based in Oakland, CA, the label takes inspiration from the city’s underground arts scene and down-to-earth creative community, carrying the torch for the San Francisco Bay Area’s music and arts legacy. Working closely with their artists, Royal Oakie fosters a sense of community that extends far beyond its locality, with a roster of artists from Brooklyn, NY to Austin, TX to Los Angeles, CA. The label will celebrate its 10th anniversary in 2022. 

David Glasebrook is a producer, recording engineer, and multi-instrumentalist. He has been making records for over 20 years. And he runs Royal Oakie.

We at Delta PR are pleased to announce that we are now working with Royal Oakie.

And by way of further introduction we proudly present these promo-only samplers...

Royal Oakie Part 1 — The Early Years 2012 - 2018

Royal Oakie Part 2 — 2019-2021

* A selection of Royal Oakie releases...

Royal Oakie News

* Royal Oakie will celebrate its 10th anniversary in 2022

* For further information please contact us...

Mal Smith & Chris Carr

Mal Smith & Chris Carr

Delta PR


About Delta PR for Royal Oakie

Delta PR is a London-based music PR firm.

We are all about finding vital, exciting, sublime music. 

The watchword is special. It has to be special.

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